PowerShell Universal - 3.8.7

PowerShell Universal - 3.8.7

Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue where New-UDForm -OnValidate would not trigger (#2249)
  • Fixed an issue where OnNodeClicked would trigger on leaf nodes in New-UDTreeView (#2246)
  • Fixed an issue where -Expanded would not work properly when OnNodeClicked was defined on New-UDTreeView (#2246)
  • Fixed an issue where -StickHeader would not have an affect on New-UDTable (#2223)
  • Fixed an issue where server-side -OnExport would export empty columns in New-UDTable (#2239)
  • Fixed an issue where Set-UDElement would not work with New-UDTreeNode (#2246)
  • Fixed an issue where the theme toggle was in the incorrect state when the default theme was dark (#2250)


  • Fixed an issue with editors would sometime be listed as unsaved when nothing had changed (#2248)
  • Fixed an issue where Invoke-PSUScript did not work with RunId (#2236)
  • Fixed an issue where new translation files would not be generated



oh my goodness it is the little things, STICKY HEADERS WORKS NOW!

PSU +100

@adam im still seeing that issue where the editor
