PowerShell Universal - 3.7.14
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue where Set-UDTheme would not persist refreshes (#2133)
- Fixed an issue where certain themes would throw an error when using Get-UDTheme (#2132)
- Fixed an issue where navigation would not expand by default when a child route was the active route (#2135)
- Enabled horizontal line break for PDF exports in UDTable (#2114)
- Fixed an issue where the AntDesign theme UDButton outlined variant didn’t have a border (#2137)
- Fixed an issue where autodeploy may display a blank page (#2115)
- Fixed an issue where mismatched hashtable properties would cause tables to throw a JavaScript error (#2060)
- Fixed an issue where templates would thrown an error when installed (#2119)
- Fixed an issue where Invoke-PSUScript could throw the error Cannot process the argument because the value of statusDescription cannot be null or empty.
- Fixed an issue where New-PSUVariable would double-serialize string secret values