Pinning the App Bar

I am trying to create a Dashboard in V3.0.2 and would like to have the App Bar\Navigation Menu pinned.

I have created a custom App Bar using New-UDAppBar with a custom drawer as per the link below but cannot workout a way to have the App Bar pinned/expanded. i.e. I would like the navlidaiton menu on the left always visible and not disappear into the hamburger menu.

Thanks for your help

@adam Is this currently possible? Many Thanks

Not at the moment. It should make it into the 1.4 release of universal.

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That is great. Any rough idea when 1.4 is scheduled for release?

I am currently building a proof of concept with it and if I get buy in, we will be looking to purchase the paid version to get the additional features.

Great product.


Hopefully near the end of this month.

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The drawer is now permanently showing (thank you) but the page content is hidden behind it. I am sure I am missing something simple but cannot piece it together from the documentation.

Many Thanks

Hmmm. I see that as well. I don’t know how that was missed. I noticed if I put the page in a container it can work around the issue.

New-UDDashboard -Content {
New-UDDrawer -Variant Peremanent { }

New-UDContainer {
    New-UDTypography -Text "Hello"


I have tried the work around and confirm when using a container, the content is visible if the browser size is big enough. When I resize the window, the content disappears behind the Drawer again. I assume it is visible on a maximised browser as the the content being centred?

Many Thanks

Ah, ok. Worth a shot. I will look into the issue today and make sure it’s resolved for the 1.4 GA release.

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I have also noticed, it hides the light/dark theme switch


I’m looking at a different way of implementing this feature to avoid these problems.

Here’s what’s going into the nightly build. I’ve simplified the navigation bar configurations.

On UDPage, you can now specify how you’d like the navigation bar to be shown. You can also specify a list if you wish to customize the navigation bar items. If you don’t specify the navigation parameter, it will just use the list of pages.

$Navigation = @(
    New-UDListItem -Label "Home"
    New-UDListItem -Label "Getting Started" -Children {
        New-UDListItem -Label "Installation" -OnClick {}
        New-UDListItem -Label "Usage" -OnClick {}
        New-UDListItem -Label "FAQs" -OnClick {}
        New-UDListItem -Label "System Requirements" -OnClick {}
        New-UDListItem -Label "Purchasing" -OnClick {}

$Pages = @()
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Test' -Content {
 New-UDTypography -Text "Hello"
} -NavigationLayout permanent -Navigation $Navigation

$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Test2' -Content {
    New-UDTypography -Text "Hello"
} -NavigationLayout permanent -Navigation $Navigation

New-UDDashboard -Title "Hello, World!" -Pages $Pages

Here is the result


If I don’t specify the navigation, it looks like this.


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That looks fantastic and much simpler. I look forward to trying it tomorrow after the nightly build.

Thanks for looking at this so quickly.

All the best


I have downloaded and installed build 269667765

Using your sample code above, I am getting the following error

[09-24-20 08:41:33 AM] Startup: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘NavigationLayout’.

Am I missing something? Is there a way I can check the new install has installed correctly?


i think it would be a useful feature if it was possible to determine the position within the AppBar.
so there would be the possibility to position one part on top and the other part on the bottom.


This is working amazingly well now.

As I am using a pre-release version, I needed to delete the %ProgramData%\PowerShellUniversal folder and restart the PowerShell Universal service :smiley:

Thanks @adam for pointing me to that and the info here:

Sorry I missed that important bit of info!

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