Pages: custom paging size on tables?

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how I got usercustomizable paging size on tables in pages.

Some of my table has them, some don’t. I think there use to be an option for it in the table properties.

I don’t see any property that would add to that.

<Table Id="f36b150b-34e2-4e49-87be-ea0a13fc2545" Title="Norlys Meeting Rooms" DataSourceType="script" DataSource="ACLTest.ps1" Size="small" Icon="CalendarOutlined" AllowExport="true" AllowManualRefresh="true" AllowSearch="true" IncludeScrollbars="false" RefreshInterval="0" PageSize="20">
<Table Id="9174a9ef-e0ad-4740-817b-b173a9ef0e10" Title="Users with @10000 Mail" DataSourceType="script" DataSource="Azuretest.ps1" Size="small" Icon="MailOutlined" AllowExport="false" AllowManualRefresh="true" AllowSearch="true" IncludeScrollbars="false" RefreshInterval="0" PageSize="40">
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.9.2

Hmm. We don’t have any options to configure this at the moment but it looks like whatever defaults AntD is doing at the moment are controlling this. It’s weird that it’s not consistent. In the table we are just setting the pageSize option but nothing else.


Just to be clear its this ducker i’m missing


Thought it had to do with the fact that maybe the page/table was made in an earlier version.
But it changes depending on what script I point the table at.

Wonder if it has to do with the script running in integrated vs WinPS

Edit: No luck on integrated vs WinPS.

I got nothing :smiley: