I am attempting to open a new tab in current browser via a button in UDTable. Button displays but massive errors when clicked. Think my method { [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start(“$href”) } is wrong for this situation but do not have a better idea. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
$ProcoreJobs = New-UDPage -Name "Closed Jobs" -Content {
New-UDDynamic -Id 'Procore' -Content {
Get-AccessToken -AuthUrl $AuthUrl -GrantType $GrantType -ClientId $ClientId -ClientSecret $ClientSecret
$Result = Get-ClosedProcoreJobs
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Job Number' -IncludeInSearch -Property 'project_number'
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Project Name' -IncludeInSearch -Property 'Name'
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Date Closed' -Property 'DateClosed'
New-UDTableColumn -Title 'View' -Property 'Active' -Render {
$href = '--start-fullscreen "' + $result.href + '"'
New-UDButton -icon (New-UDIcon -icon 'Chrome') -size "large" -Style @{ backgroundColor = '#00CC33' } -OnClick {
New-UDTable -Title 'Procore Closed Jobs' -Data $Result -Columns $Columns -dense -showpagination -pagesize 10 -ShowSearch -ShowSort
} -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 600 -loadingcomponent {
New-UDCenter -Content {
New-UDTypography -Text 'Loading Projects' -Variant h5
New-UDProgress -Circular -size "large"