New-UDTextbox must be String Error

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.1.4


I am puzzled and wonder why New-UDTextbox does not display the following command page since the update to 3.x:

New-UDTextbox -Id "PSUEMailWSDauerTB" -Label "Zeitspanne(Tage)" -Mask "[0][0][0][0]" -FullWidth -Value 30

i get:
Screenshot 2022-08-07 173747
so here i am :wink:

New-UDTextbox -Id "PSUEMailWSDauerTB" -Label "Zeitspanne(Tage)" -Mask "[0][0][0][0]" -FullWidth -Value "30"

i get:
Screenshot 2022-08-07 173603

The message is that a string is expected which is feasible but why this change?

Error rendering component (mu-textbox)
Error: value should be string

and I still have the problem with the command

New-UDSelect -Option {
      New-UDSelectOption -Name "Test1" -Value "1"
      New-UDSelectOption -Name "Test2" -Value "2"
      New-UDSelectOption -Name "Test3" -Value "3"
} -Id "BetriebLDIVerfahrenKalkulationSelectBoxServer" -Label "Auswahl Server oder Alle" -FullWidth -Multiple -DefaultValue "2"

with -DefaultValue:
Screenshot 2022-08-07 174329
and without:
Screenshot 2022-08-07 174246

The Errormessage with the Parameter -Defaultvalue “2” is:

Error rendering component (mu-select)
Error: MUI: The `value` prop must be an array when using the `Select` component with `multiple`.

but the Array did not changed…

I can reproduce these issues and they have been fixed. They will be included in the 3.2.0 release.
