New-UDtable create from array

Hey All,

I’m trying to create a new table but having a hard time. I have a data like below

volname : vol1
aggrname : agg1
cifspathcount : 14
cifspaths : {/vol1/Client Suppot Group, /vol1/Equity, /vol1/Healthcare, /vol1/Trading/CSA…}

as you can see I have an array in an array and I’m trying to just get a table with cifspaths like below.

$Columnnetapp = @(

New-UDTableColumn -Property cifspaths -Title "Paths" -Align center

New-UDTable -Data $volumedata -Columns $Columnnetapp

I’m getting the error below.

I figured out. I build a new array out of cifspaths like below and that did it for me. If anyone have better idea please let me know.

$paths = $volumedata.cifspaths
$allpaths = @()
foreach ($path in $paths) {
$myobj = " " | Select-Object Path
$myobj.Path = $path
$allpaths += $myobj
$Columnnetapp = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property Path -Title “Paths” -Align center
New-UDTable -Data $allpaths -Columns $Columnnetapp