Is New-UDGridLayout incompatible with New-UDTable?

Pretty much the title. I can’t seem to figure this one out.

You can test with the following:

New-UDGridLayout -Content {
        $Data = @(
    @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0}
    @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0}
    @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0}
    @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0}
    @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0}
New-UDTable -Data $Data

Also, adding an ID to the table does not seem to help.

Edit: I was able to get this to work (I think)… I believe my bracketing may have not been perfect and perhaps that was causing some errors. Still testing.