New-UDLoginPage not working

Good day,

I am trying to create a Login page for my dashboards but keep on getting “New-UDLoginPage” is not recognized. Did this method change and if so where can I find documentation on how to set up Login Pages using the latest version of Universal?

Kind Regards,



Thank you but is there any documentation available on how tow use it for my dashboards?

The new-udloginpage as well as new-udauthorization method is available in powershell and powershell ise but when I want to run a dashboard I get an error in the log that the cmdlets are not available

what version of universal you are using?

Here’s a step-by-step on how to customize the login page:

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the reply. What I need to know is how to add the login page to a dashboard so that users are prompted for a username and password before accessing the doshboard.

Kind regard,


1.5.14 Universal PSGallery Module for PowerShell Universal.
3.3.3 UniversalDashboard PSGallery Universal Dashbord v3 framework for Powershell Universal

Adam just replied to your post with a video step by step how to create the login page and customize it with title , logo color …etc
when the login page created PSU will use that custom page for users to login.

And if you’re not getting a login page when visiting the dashboard, you need to make sure that you have enabled Authentication for that dashboard.