Hi There
Using UD 2.5.0 on OSX with Powershell Core
When I load a grid with about 280 items I always get pagination navigation links on the bottom of the grid. Does not matter when I filter and have only 5 items left, the amount of pages I can navigate to stays the same. When I click on any page number I get an empty grid and when I to run to page 1 I get the filtered 5 back in view. Is this supposed to happen like that? Is there a way to get rid of that pagination strip at the bottom of the grid? Or perhaps when the filter is active and the amount of items is less than the defined or viewable rows in the grid the pagination disappears?
I tried the “NoPaging” option but that did not get rid of the navigation strip/pages at the bottom. I did get a large list of items but could still navigate through the same amount of navigation pages as when the option was not used.