Hey guys!
Been working on a dashboard that shows inbound/outbound email for a list of mailboxes over the last 48 hours for the last week or so now and it’s definitely been a very steep learning curve!
I have a few UDGrids in the dashboard, like this:
`New-UdGrid -Title "Sent Mail Today" -Headers @("Sender", "Recipients","Subject") -Properties @("Sender","Recipients","MessageSubject") -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {
$Cache:TodaysSentMail | Out-UDGridData
Which outputs like this
The issue I’m seeing is that the Recipients column doesn’t display with the addresses delimited, but if i check the input data or click the “Export to CSV” on the UDGrid the data is delimited.
How do I go about getting it to show as delimited in the UDGrid?
Also, Secondary question. “Export to CSV” exports without the headers (Sender, Recipients, Subject), Is there a way to have these exported along with the data? I can write all the data to CSV in the background and add a download button if needed but don’t want to reinvent the wheel