This my second approach to New-UDDataGrid (or New-UDTable ) with editable fields.
In my first approach i managed to wrote some internal logic to make it work but this time im struggling to get the right idea how to do it
let say i read a bunch of servers and ip addresses that are bounded to those servers
And i want user to change those IP and then save it and execute changes on the servers.
the best way will of course to use New-UDDataGrid but the way it make it changes (by updating new row and old row property) doesn’t fit to my need very well.
I want to make sure that string that user is typing is an ip address ( and that each values is not larger than 255 (which obvious for ip address)
I have new row and old row where i can see changes but how to get an array index for those changes by comparing those two hashtables (old row and new row)
I have to now exact location where user is making changes (row and column index)
Either i don’t understand how it should be used or this editable feature it is just for show not real scenario cases
I wish that this edit feature would have more easy to use syntax…