New-uddatagrid does not show data (no rows)

I can’t get New-UDDataGrid to show any rows (column headers are shown). Even the below most plain demo (copy from the docs) doesn’t show anything.

#Product: PowerShell Universal
#Version: 3.7.14

New-UDDashboard -Title 'PowerShell Universal' -Pages @(
    New-UDPage -Name 'Test' -Content {
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
    $Data = @(
        @{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
        @{ Name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random}
        @{ Name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random}
        rows = $Data 
        rowCount = $Data.Length
} -Columns @(
    @{ field = "name"}
    @{ field = "number"}
) -AutoHeight


I copy and pasted your code into my instance and it’s showing data for me. You could try to check in your browser dev tools (F12) to ensure it’s actually returning the data. You can see in the screenshot below that the 794 GUID request is returning the row data in my lab. You’ll have a different GUID unless you set the ID on the New-UDDataGrid.

Thank you for the fast reply.

I get different results:

The ‘e8f…’ is created every second and shows ‘nothing to preview’.
I added the ‘b6d…’ in the screenshot because of the error message that might give a hint.

Changed the id of the datagrid to be sure to preview the correct guid… The datagrid is indeed the one showing the error in the screenshot above.

Bug found!
Using the default environment it works!

I was using this setup:

Is there something wrong with my setup in terms of compatibility?

It seems to break when enabling ‘persistent runspace’, using either old or V7 Powershell.

Can you do me a favor and click the log tab underneath the dashboard details page to see if there is an error stack trace?

Nothing special, I think:

Waiting for dashboard information…
Dashboard information received. Starting dashboard.
Creating services.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal\Modules\Universal\Universal.psd1
Starting scheduler.
Dashboard configuration complete.
Waiting for dashboard information…
Dashboard information received. Starting dashboard.
Creating services.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal\Modules\Universal\Universal.psd1
Starting scheduler.
Dashboard configuration complete.