@adam the following code still works in version 3.9.6 but when testing today in PSU 4.0 it shows the following
below is the code am using and the correct outcome
New-UDColumn -ExtraLargeSize 4 -Content {
$Data = Get-CimInstance -Class CIM_LogicalDisk | Select-Object @{Name=“Size”;Expression={$.size/1gb}}, @{Name=“FreeSpace”;Expression={$.freespace/1gb}}, @{Name=“Free (%)”;Expression={“{0,6:P0}” -f(($.freespace/1gb) / ($.size/1gb))}}, DeviceID, DriveType | Where-Object DriveType -EQ ‘3’$SizeDs = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty Size -Label Size -BackgroundColor "#26a69a" $MemoryDs = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty FreeSpace -Label 'Free Space' -BackgroundColor "#8014558C" $Options = @{ Type = 'bar' Data = $Data Dataset = @($SizeDs, $MemoryDs) LabelProperty = "DeviceId" } New-UDChartJS @Options
Any idea?