New-UDButtonGroup in modal (z-index)

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0.10

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with z-index. I tried so many things with the style but it don’t work.

New-UDButton -Text "Ouvrir la Modale" -OnClick {
    Show-UDModal -Content {
        New-UDTypography -Text "Actions disponibles" -Variant "h5" -Align "center"
        #New-UDStyle -Style '.MuiButtonGroup-grouped .MuiButtonGroup-root .css-r6z5ec .MuiPopper-root: {z-index: 1050;}' -Content{
            New-UDButtonGroup -Content {
                New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Enregistrer' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'save') -Style @("" = "")
                New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Copier le fichier' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'copy') 
                New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Télécharger' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'download') 
    } -Persistent

Can you help me ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I messed with this a bit and couldn’t get ether a style or theme to fix the z-index. The problem is the popper for the button group is actually outside the HTML DOM of the modal and makes it had to style.

That said, I was able to resolve this in the React component and a fix for it will be in 5.2.

Thank you so much for your reply