New-UDAutocomplete and Icon Alignment

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.4.0

Currently having an issue with New-UDAutocomplete -Icon but only when changing between light and dark modes.

Looks like the box actually changes size, being a little shorter in Light mode which causes the icon to shift slightly to the left.

New-UDAutocomplete -Id "NewSearch" -Label "SamAccountName" -OnLoadOptions {
                                Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -like '*$Body*' -and SamAccountName -notlike '*$Body*XXXXX' -and UserPrincipalName -like '*$Body*@XXXXXX'" -SearchBase "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName | ConvertTo-Json
                        } -OnEnter {
                                Invoke-UDEndpoint -Id "btn_GetUser" -Session
                        }-OnChange {
                        } -Icon (
                                New-UDIcon -Icon "UserSecret" -Color "#438EFF"

Tested by removing the custom UDIcon piece and used the base UserSecret icon. Same result.

This is likely just a theme issue. I opened an issue for it here: UDAutocomplete Icon Alignment Theme Issue · Issue #4256 · ironmansoftware/powershell-universal · GitHub

Based on the fact that it’s just visual, it will likely be rolled into a v5 release soon. If it’s high priority for you, we can see about rolling it into the next v4 release.

@Adam Thanks for reaching back out! It is not a priority, just wanted to make sure that I was not going crazy.

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