Modules Create and Edit on 4.x & 5.x

In version 3.x I was able to create a new module from the dashboard and edit the code of it.

New in versions 4 and 5 this feature is missing,
Even If I add manually the modules under C:\program Files\Universal\Modules

It not auto-complete the functions on the modules I added.

Please return this feature, It all work great on version 3.x but due to leak of support that ends on June, I must upgrade my environments.

Another Issue I found on version 5.x is when I try to install a module from the PSGallery (like VMWare.PowerCLI) It not install and just stuck forever at loading and shows that loading circle on all of the “install” buttons.

Everything I stuck, and when I refresh the page I get logged out,

This can be done through Configurations

Expand Repository → Modules

But I cant create a new module
And when I start new dashboard/script it doesn’t autocomplete the function.