Looking to help out? Contribute to the help!

The next version of UD will include an updated version of Poshud.com. It’s the same dashboard that comes up when you run Start-UDDashboard without any parameters.

One of the neat things with the new version of PoshUD will be that the UI Components tab will be generated based on the cmdlet help in the module.

If you click on the component, it will run Get-Help to get all the descriptions, examples and parameter and then generate a page based on that data.

The Edit on GitHub link will take you to the markdown file that is on GitHub.

Examples will run in the browser.

You’ll be able to click the code tab to view the code for that example.

A table of all the parameter help will be at the bottom of each page.

What can you do to help out?

The cmdlet help is pretty gnarly at best. The examples mostly don’t work. What I’m looking to do is get some good, functional examples for each cmdlet that produces a control so that it’s way easier for people to find cool stuff in UD.

The markdown files can be found here: https://github.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard/tree/master/src/UniversalDashboard/Help

If you are working with UD and are looking to contribute back to the project, this is a great way to do it without having to learn JavaScript, React, or C#.

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Kool. Will do. I find the Cookbook forum channel helpful too. Interesting to see the different ways people structure their code.

Hi @adam was very keen to try the new poshud page so ran Start-UDDashboard -Port 8090 and the page loaded fine, started clicking through the links but everything stopped on charts

Did you happen to rebuild the help? I think you’ll need to do that:

PS C:\Users\adamr> New-ExternalHelp -Path F:\universal-dashboard\src\UniversalDashboard\Help\ -OutputPath F:\universal-dashboard\src\output\en-US\UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml -Force

Hi @adam no I did not rebuild the help. I will give this a go once I get home as left my laptop at home today…doh. Will update once I have updated the help. Thanks

So I believe I done this correctly but still got the same error, installed platyPS to get the New-ExternalHelp command as I didnt have this installed on my system to my knowledge
PS C:\Windows\system32> install-module -name platyPS
PS C:\Windows\system32> import-module -name platyPS
PS C:\Windows\system32> New-ExternalHelp -Path ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\UniversalDashboard.Community\en-US’ -OutputPath ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\UniversalDashboard.Community\en-US\UniversalDashboard.Community-help.xml’ -Force
PS C:\Windows\system32> import-module UniversalDashboard.Community
PS C:\Windows\system32> Start-UDDashboard -Port 8091

Name Port Running DashboardService

Dashboard0 8091 True UniversalDashboard.Services.DashboardService

So I saw you released a newer version 10 hours ago, so ran the 789 version more pages show under ui components but still same error on every page

Can you enable-udlogging and see if there is any good info in there? All my pages are working.

sorry probably me being a doughnut, I created a help folder and ran the following:-
PS C:\Users\Adz\Downloads\ud-custom-control-template\src> New-ExternalHelp -Path C:\Users\Adz\Downloads\UniversalDashboard.Community.789\Help -OutputPath C:\Users\Adz\Downloads\UniversalDashboard.Community\en-US\UniversalDashboard.dll-Help.xml -Force

Then as if by magic the chart page is now loading :smile: I only have charts showing on the ui components…?

This nightly should have added a bunch more controls to the UI Components list: https://github.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard/releases/tag/nightly.20190617.6

super odd…as I was using the nightly build you posted like 10 hours ago…I saw the extra UI components, but couldnt access them, as was getting the same error I posted. I then ran the following code:-
New-ExternalHelp -Path C:\Users\Adz\Downloads\UniversalDashboard.Community.789\Help -OutputPath C:\Users\Adz\Downloads\UniversalDashboard.Community\en-US\UniversalDashboard.dll-Help.xml -Force
That then allowed me to access the chart page correctly, but now only shows chart page? Will reboot laptop now…crap I just noticed I didnt put the help file back into 789 doh! Thanks for your help on this

So after I got it working, I noticed there was a few problems with some of the menu pages. The HTML and the ICON pages off the top of my head…I think there was one more I will check in a bit and let you know. Do you want screen shots?

Yeah that works. If you’re up for throwing in a Pull Request, feel free!