Is it possible to use the same Git repository across multiple environments with Git sync?

We ran into a similar setup and ended up using the same code base for dev/test/prod but using the PSUHeader region for the .universal files.

for example in the variables.ps1 I have the following.

#region PSUHeader
	"PSU1" { 
		$Environment = "Prod"
		$CurrentHostName = "" 
	"PSU2" {
		$Environment = "Test"
		$CurrentHostName = "
	Default { 
		$Environment = "Dev"
		$CurrentHostName = "http://localhost:5000" 

New-PSUVariable -Name "HostName" -Value $CurrentHostName -Description "Hostname of the PSU instance"
New-PSUVariable -Name "Environment" -Value $Environment -Description "PSU environment type"