Independent git settings per server / computer group

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.1.2

I’m happy to be educated on this if what I’m trying to do is silly. I’ve never really used git before integrating Powershell Universal.

I have 3 servers, two for production and one of which I use for development - testing new versions of Powershell Universal, etc.

Ideally, I’d like the development server to be connected to the same database as production in maintenance mode so I can ensure that everything looks the same between PSU versions before I upgrade production - but I’d also like to have the development server on a different git branch or set behaviour to one-way so that I can edit and test scripts without affecting production.

This doesn’t seem possible right now, even though I set a different branch in appsetings.json it gets overridden.

Is there a way to configure git differently based on Tags/Computer Groups even if it is a bit of a hack job - or is there a more sensible way of doing what I am trying to achieve?

This currently isn’t possible. PSU assumes that all computers in a single database are more or less the same configuration\environment. You’d have to setup a separate database for your dev instance.

Thanks for confirming, Adam.

Is it likely to be possible in the future or is it too niche of a requirement?


We have implemented the ability to switch git repos so it could be possible. It does get trickier than just changing which files are where because the scheduler and automation features assume that all the machines have the same configuration. This would require changes to determine which machines are running which branch\repo etc. It just gets really complicated.