I have a script with some pretty verbose logging output. There’s probably some stuff I can do to cut it back a little, but it’s pretty important to me that I have the logs to follow in case something goes sideways on this particular script.
I’m getting a message that “The log has been truncated to 5000 lines.” Is there a way to increase this limit?
If not, are these logs otherwise saved somewhere else in case I need to reference them?
We currently don’t have a setting to extend the log display in the admin console. It was added as a performance thing. We are using a library to format the ANSI escape codes into HTML and doing so in really large log files causes browsers to become unhappy. We’ve looked into virtualization of the rendering of the page but it was easier to limit for the time being since it worked for most users. We could also consider just display plain text in the case of a large log file.
You can download the entire log file by clicking the Download Log button in the top right of the job’s page. This will include the entire thing. You can also navigate to the download URL by job ID: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/job/112/logfile
I see the download log button clearly up in the corner now! That should do the trick if I need it. I otherwise probably need to scale back the logging a little on this particular script.