Icon BackgroundColor not working in Grid

The Icon BackgroundColor is not working in a Grid, is this an known issue? Or should I open an GH issue?

New-UDButton -Text 'New' -Icon plus_circle -BackgroundColor green -OnClick {

    Show-UDToast -Message "Clicked!"


New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { 'Edit' } -Content { 

    New-UDButton -Icon edit -BackgroundColor orange


New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { 'Delete' } -Content { 

    New-UDButton -Icon trash_alt -BackgroundColor red


New-UdGrid -Title 'Title' -Headers @("ID", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", " ", " ") -Properties  @("ID", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "Action_Edit", "Action_Delete") -Endpoint {

    $Data | Select -ExcludeProperty ID, 1-Property *, 

    @{Name='ID'; Expression={New-UDLink -Text $_.ID -Url "/object/$($_.ID)"}}, 

    @{Name='1'; Expression={New-UDLink -Text $_.Name -Url "/object2/$($_.ID)"}}, 

    @{Name='Action_Edit'; Expression={

        New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { 'Edit' } -Content { 

            New-UDButton -Icon edit -BackgroundColor orange



    @{Name='Action_Delete'; Expression={

        New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { 'Delete' } -Content { 

            New-UDButton -Icon trash_alt -BackgroundColor red


    }} | Out-UdGridData

Hi @augustin.ziegler

this is fixed in the nightly releases, bug in 2.8.3 :slight_smile:

Thanks for this info, couldn find it myself on GH … :slight_smile:

Should be a pr with a simple “-” added O:-)

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thanks man :ok_hand: