i have figured out the commands like -height and -width but i want to position my image to a different spot on the website. (i have my Image in a -path)
how can i use this grid with my New-UDimage command?
For example, If you were to use the example in the docs
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-12" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 6 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-6" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 6 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-6" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
You’d get this:
If you wanted to place your image in the 3rd space on the last row, you would take your New-UDimage, and replace the UDPaper there.
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-12" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 6 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-6" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 6 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-6" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 3 -Content {
New-UDPaper -Content { "xs-3" } -Elevation 2
The docs go on about how one can arrange stuff on screen.
thank you so much, i got it figured out!
i had one more qeustion tho, i now have all the buttons to the left but i want to put them straight in the middle of my website how do i do that?
New-UDButton -Text "Click Me" -OnClick {
Show-UDToast -Message "Hello, World!"
} -Style @{
"position" = "absolute"
"left" = "50%"
this is the problem im having atm. is there something wrong with my code?
my code snippet is for your question to center a button, not for the image.
New-UDImage does not have a parameter “style”
what kind of parameter does it need? since i only want to change the position of my image
Put your image in an HTML parent element, such as a div. Then, style the div. Like:
New-UDElement -Tag "div" -Content {
New-UDImage <... your stuff here>
} -Style @{
# styles you want
# you could make use of flex instead of absolute positioning
# if you're familiar with html and css. up to you
Sadly this does not work, im still getting issues when putting -style @{ as a command
This should work for your usecase:
New-UDElement -Content {
New-UDStyle -Style '.MyClassName { position: relative; left: 50%;}' -content {
New-UDImage -Url 'https://via.placeholder.com/150' -ClassName 'MyClassName'
Im not that good in CSS so you may have to try a bit yourself but with this code the image should not overlap because of the “position: relative”
Yes this works! thank you!