Hover Text Box Ideas?

Inside my Grids I use ToolTips to display “on hover” information.


New-UDTooltip -Place top -Type info -Effect float -TooltipContent { "30" } -Content {
       New-UDHtml -Markup "Markup with Group Name"

I personally use a button inside the tooltip, then within the onClick I use Set-UDClipboard to capture whatever hover info I have.

So in a Grid where I have a customer name then the tooltip will display say the customer id when I click the id will be copied to my clipboard. Adds some neat functionality.

New-UDTooltip -Place top -Type info -Effect float -TooltipContent { $_.CustomerId } -Content {
       New-UDButton -Text "Customer Name" -OnClick {
           Set-UDClipboard -Data $($_.CustomerId)