Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.4.6
We are trying to implement a UDDataGrid to read data from Azure Table Storage we need help with the following aspects:
How to use the -LoadData parameter with UDDataGrid and how is it different form -LoadRows. The documentation does not provide an example for using the -LoadData parameter
How can we customize the row color for each row in a data grid, we would like to color every alternate row to improve readability
How to implement the search feature in a DataGrid
The filter component on the top left is somewhat broken, as we are not able to select an attribute to filter
Clicking on the sort arrow rapidly produces an error "Grid cannot index into a null array at line 116 "
Looking forward to any help/guidance
New-UDPage -Url accessreviews-datagrid -Name 'accessreviews-datagrid' -Content {
$Session:ID = ($ClaimsPrincipal.Claims | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq '' }).value
$GacTestStorage = 'ConnectionString'
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$splat = @{
TableName = 'inactive'
Filter = "reviewerId eq '{0}'" -f $Session:ID
Property = @('inactivityDuration', 'LastSignIn', 'accountEnabled', 'userDisplayName', 'RowKey', 'Override', 'groupId', 'userDisplayName', 'appDisplayName', 'groupDisplayName', 'appId', 'userId')
ConnectionString = $GacTestStorage
$Data = Get-AzDataTableEntity @splat
$Data | Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData
} -Columns @(
field = "Override"; render = {
$Row = $EventData
New-UDSwitch -Color primary -Checked $EventData.Override -Size small -OnChange {
$RowKey = '{0}-{1}' -f $Row.appId, $Row.userId
# if ($EventData) {
# Show-UDToast ('{0} will not be removed from {1}' -f $Row.userDisplayName, $Row.appDisplayName) -Duration 10000 -BackgroundColor "#658354" -MessageColor white
# }
# else {
# Show-UDToast ('{0} has been marked for removal from {1}' -f $Row.userDisplayName, $Row.appDisplayName) -Duration 10000 -BackgroundColor "#ee6b6e" -MessageColor white
# }
$splat = @{
TableName = 'inactive'
Filter = "PartitionKey eq '{0}' and RowKey eq '{1}'" -f 'part1', $RowKey
ConnectionString = $GacTestStorage
$HashTable = Get-AzDataTableEntity @splat
$HashTable['Override'] = $EventData
$splat = @{
TableName = 'inactive'
Entity = $HashTable
ConnectionString = $GacTestStorage
Force = $true
CreateTableIfNotExists = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Add-AzDataTableEntity @splat
@{ field = "userDisplayName"; MinWidth = 500; Sortable = $true; Filterable = $true }
@{ field = "accountEnabled"; MinWidth = 150; Sortable = $true }
@{ field = "LastSignIn"; MinWidth = 150; Sortable = $true }
@{ field = "inactivityDuration"; MinWidth = 150 }
@{ field = "groupDisplayName"; MinWidth = 300; Filterable = $true; Sortable = $true }
@{ field = "appDisplayName"; MinWidth = 300; Filterable = $true; Sortable = $true }
) -AutoHeight -Pagination -PageSize 20 -Density standard -RowsPerPageOptions @(10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500) -LoadDetailContent {
$UserId = ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).row.userId
Show-UDModal -MaxWidth xl -Content {
New-UDTabs -Tabs {
New-UDTab -Text 'User' -Dynamic -Content {
Get-GacAFUserByID -User $UserId | ForEach-Object {
New-UDList -Content {
New-UDListItem -Label $PSItem.displayName -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon User -Size 1x)
New-UDListItem -Label ('{0} {1} {2}' -f $, $PSItem.state, $PSItem.postalCode).trim() -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon AddressBook -Size 1x)
New-UDListItem -Label $PSItem.mail -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 1x)
# New-UDListItem -Label $Manager.DisplayName -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon briefcase -Size 1x)
# $Manager = Get-GacAFUserManagerByID -User $UserId
New-UDTab -Text 'Group Membership' -Dynamic -Content {
$Script:UserGroups = Get-GacAFUserMemberOf -User $UserId
foreach ($thisGroup in $Script:UserGroups) {
New-UDList -Content {
New-UDListItem -Label $ -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon users -Size 1x)
New-UDTab -Text 'App Membership' -Dynamic -Content {
$AppList = Get-GacAFUserApp -User $UserId -GroupList $Script:UserGroups
foreach ($thisApp in $AppList) {
New-UDList -Content {
New-UDListItem -Label ('{0} ({1})' -f $thisApp.App, $thisApp.AppRole) -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon microsoft -Size 1x)
} -RenderOnActive