Hi everyone,
I purchased UD a while ago, just getting around to using it. Can someone point me to a tutorial or something similar? I’m looking for something a bit more in depth than the Getting Started page, but not too crazy.
Also, i’ve seen UniversalDashboard.Scaffold - is that a good place to start with getting things in place?
Hello @liampkemp and a big welcome to the forums. I believe the scaffold project allows you to quickly design pages and layouts.I been using UD for a while now and found the documentation site answered most of my queries https://docs.universaldashboard.io/ and the www.poshud.com was great to see the components in use.
To try and help and the community I started my own blogs with my experiances from using UD. This is here https://psdevuk.github.io/ud-flix/ I just put component number 41 on the marketplace yesterday, so maybe have a read through the blog and let me know if you want further information on anything else. I truely believe it is only your imagination holding you back with this product.
oh and I forgot there is a paid-for course on udemy I believe which should help you get started on using UD, so hopefully one of these bits will help you with UD