I’m looking for direction in handling data with lots of columns. The column headers go past the edge of that card and does not look uniform at all. I’d like it to stay in the card and give scroll bars horizonatally so it doesn’t leave the card edge.
I can get the horizontal scroll bar by using New-UDElement to create a div with overflow-x set to auto. The scroll bar stays within the container card but scrolling goes past the edge of the container, thus giving unexpected results. I also noticed that the background color for both Grid and Table apply to parent div of those not the actual div of the table/grid. I tried using it to give a solid color background to see if that helped, but it didn’t.
Updated examples screenshots. This also show where the background style is being set on the containing div and not the grid/table itself.
Code used to generate this:
(Updated with nesting under New-UDElement creating a DIV with overflow-x - no screenshots for this but you can see the color differences on the color of the table/grid vs the color of the div)
I’m still new to UD and don’t have a technical answer but I would challenge you to think about what you are trying to convey with the data you are presenting in a dashboard. Perhaps the data can be reduced or broken up in a different format.
Yeah, i wish that was easily possible. This isn’t going to be a dashboard but a form for a User Access Review (UAR) and really needs to be plug and play for over 60 different controls, each having a minimum set of data to show the reviewer.
If we had time to build out a page for each review, that could be possible but time is something we don’t have for this at the moment. Changing the underlying data isn’t an option as this is just an overlay to a SharePoint list (now that the AAD token can be passed through, graph api calls will be made to make the updates to the data to the SharePoint list, thus showing the logged in user as the person making the change. This keeps the auditors happy and not wanting a full on SDLC set of controls for this app usage.
UDGrid is a little lacking in features tbh. @BoSen29 did start to look at an alternative in this thread New-UDgrid filtering and grouping but not sure how far he managed to get with it.
Hi @Alc grids are a lot more to develop…hence I have not done any myself, as I believe you need to know a fair bit of javascript to accomplish the task. I myself would like to do a pivot table component, as that is what people at my work are used to…however it’s not a full solution, but at the moment, I am using my UD Selector component to allow the end user to select one or more options, I then display 2 grids, one summerised and one detailed…it’s not perfect but they can then export to excel…which is the stage I would like to eliminate.
Yeah, @Alc
I’m currently in the progress of procrastinating on this.
I’ve been building a couple of other components in order to advance my javascript knowledge before i tackle this beast of a project.
I’ve scheduled the grid component to be my next, after i finish up this modal thingy i’m working on
Oh I do not underestimate how difficult it would be! Just wanted to let the OP know that it is possible something may be along in the future. It’s certainly not something I could achieve so massive respect to anyone to even tries it
The code is below. You can adjust the $rows and $cols vars at the top to adjust the size of the example dataset.
I’m also looking at building the two below compents out as well, but not sure if it will be generic or specific to meet our UAR needs. The first one is in the youtube example, but it’s a little outdated. Figured out the Plaster to build the template files. Also, some of the way you set state or constructor is a little different in the template than in the video but was able to figure it out (for the most part).
So I am not saying I have solved the problem…but tonight I managed to build another custom component a pivot-table component…I am sure displaying the data in this would drastically reduce the size of the grid, as thats what pivot tables are great at doing…hoping to get this released soon:-
@McAndersDK here may be and looking at that, but it wont be enough to get into the confines of how the grids work OOTB currently. The problem is, this has to be very dynamic across a wide range of data (60+ apps each with their own unique data export). This will simply be a way to give the end users a better UX experience than the current web part page with the list embedded.
@psDevUK - that looks pretty cool and already thinking about many ways i could use this. I don’t know if it will solve my use case as the end user will be making a choice/action on each item that will pass back to a sharepoint list. Giving them free range to change the order and layout may also lead to further confusion for them, especially if they can impact where the checkbox ends up.
Was using this today on every-page which I had a grid on, so the user could then further analyze that grid but in a pivot fashion to which they are used to…If you gave your users only 3 items in the data hashtable then they simply put the DATE/TIME along the top and the DATA ones on the left hand side:-
Then they shouldnt be able to mess it up…although end-users
BTW this is my top 4 CPU processes
Thinking you could probably set the state with how you want it laid out…might look into this now…I am looking at releasing this soon…just trying to build up some hype first