File Changes Not Reflected in PSU 5.0.16 Dashboard (Docker, Linux)


I’m running PowerShell Universal 5.0.16 on Linux inside a Docker container, with PowerShell 7. My setup involves a mounted volume for repository files that is synced using a GitHub Action. Changes to the files happen directly on the host via this sync process.

The problem :

When files (e.g., APIs or scripts) are updated on the mounted volume, the Dashboard does not reflect the changes. However, when files are edited directly in the Dashboard, the updates work as expected and are correctly written to the mounted volume.

I need a way to force PowerShell Universal to pick up these external changes without restarting the container or PSU service.

Attempts to Resolve

Called the /api/v1/configuration/reload API:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/configuration/reload \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer "Bearer API_TOKEN"

The API call succeeds but does not reflect the changes in the Dashboard.

Tried syncing individual files using the /api/v1/files/sync endpoint:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/files/sync?path=.universal/Endpoints/adam.ps1" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer  API_TOKEN"

The API returns a 404 error, even though the file exists at /root/.PowershellUniversal/Repository/.universal/Endpoints/adam.ps1.

Simulated file modifications by touching the files:

find /root/.PowershellUniversal/Repository -type f -exec touch {} +

This did not trigger any updates in the Dashboard.

Environment Details :

PowerShell Universal Version: 5.0.16

PowerShell Version: 7

Platform: Linux (Docker-based)

File Sync: GitHub Action syncs files to the mounted volume


How can I force PSU to detect and reflect file changes from the mounted volume without a full restart?

Is there a better way to trigger file synchronization in this setup?

Thanks in advance for any guidance or solutions!

Powershell Universal
PSU 5.0.16
File Sync
PowerShell 7