Error on Get-PSUJobOutput


Have the following error message running the command Get-PSUJobOutput.
If I run:
$job = Get-PSUJob -Id 305
Get-PSUJobOutput -job $job


Get-PSUJobOutput -JobId 305

I get following error message:
Get-PSUJobOutput: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: i. Path ‘’, line 1, position 1.

Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong as this should be simple, can anyone explain why I get this error message?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.21

I ran Get-PSUJobOutput -JobId 29959 (a job ID number I have) and it ran without any issues. What environment did you set your job to script to run in? If you left it set to nothing or set it to Default, what is your default environment set to?

Run Get-module -ListAvailable -Name Universal

A lot of times I’m thinking I’m using one version of PSU when it loaded an older version

Module version was the hint I needed, my dev machine ran an older version.
After updating the problem is resolved, thanks for the help!

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