Endpoint Documentation - External Endpoint Content

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.8.12

It looks like the .INPUTS does not work if the content is not in the main .endpoints.ps1 script

For example

My documentation in the external file for the endpoint looks like this.


        Description: Successful
        Description: The user account is null or empty or failed to invoke the pending exit script

    Required: true
    Description: UserAccount to exit
        application/json: MyObject

# Use POST data from the body in JSON format
$Body = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json

It order to get MyObject to show up in the Swagger docs I need to add it to the .endpoints.ps1 script. It does not work in the external ps1 file.

#region PSUHeader 
class MyObject{


Hope this makes sense.

Also, does anyone know how to display nested objects?

For instance, I want to show the following JSON

        "Script": "ActiveDirectory\\New-Account.ps1",
        "JobNumber": 20059,
        "JobData": {
            "UserPrincipalName": "test.test@domain",
            "DisplayName": "Roosevelt, test",
            "Description": "",
            "ObjectGUID": "",
            "SamAccountName": "test",
            "NewUserAccountParams": {
                "PostalCode": "",
                "DisplayName": "Roosevelt, Test2",
                "Name": "itpr1test2",
                "City": "",
                "SurName": "Roosevelt"
            "somekey": "somevalue"
class NewADAccountSuccess {
  [string] $ComputerLoginID
  [string] $GivenName
  [string] $MiddleName
  [string] $SurName
  [string] $PreferredName
  [string] $Department
  [string] $OfficePhone
  [string] $StreetAddress
  [string] $City
  [string] $PostalCode
  [string] $State
  [string] $UserPrincipalName

Also not having luck with types


class EditADGroups {
    [string] $UserAccount
	[string] $SNRITMNumber
	[string[]] $Groups
	[bool] $RequestType

Having a hard time reproducing this one. I defined both the types in my docs file and included the string and bool types.

This is my swagger doc page.

I used your endpoint definition.


        Description: Successful
        Description: The user account is null or empty or failed to invoke the pending exit script

    Required: true
    Description: UserAccount to exit
        application/json: MyObject

    # Use POST data from the body in JSON format
    $Body = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json

Do note, I’m trying this on 3.9.2


TBH I didn’t know you were supposed to put the class documentation under endpointdocumentation.ps1 but its still not working on this version. Ill test on 3.9.2

@adam - do you know how to document a class that might have nested items for a Responses example?

        "JobData": {
            "UserPrincipalName": "test.test@domain",
            "ObjectGUID": "",
            "NewUser": {
                "City": "",
                "SurName": "Roosevelt"

Let me play around with that. I tried with .INPUT but not output. It seems like it should behave the same way but maybe something is not quite right.

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