I have some pages (code below) where a dynamic page should load but it does not appear to be working. When I click the button to navigate to the page it updates the URL but presents the original page as if I linked to my own page and just changed the URL. The dynamic page never seems to load?
Code is below. It’s part of a larger project here: https://github.com/theabraxas/project-neith Pages are loaded in main from the pages folder. Any ideas would be super awesome!
$CylanceComputerPage = New-UDPage -Url "/cylance/computer/:$ComputerName" -Endpoint {
New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content {
New-UdTable -Title "$ComputerName Agent Information" -Headers @(" ", " ") -Endpoint {
'Operating System' = ($AgentData.os_version)
'Cylance Policy' = ($AgentData.Policy)
'Agent Version' = ($AgentData.agent_version)
'Zone' = ($AgentData.zones)
'Installed Date' = ($AgentData.created)
'Files Analyzed' = ($AgentData.files_analyzed)
'Last Online Date' = ($AgentData.online_date)
'Last Reported User' = ($AgentData.last_reported_user)
'IP Address' = ($AgentData.ip_addresses)
'MAC Addresses' = ($AgentData.mac_addresses)
}.GetEnumerator() | Out-UDTableData -Property @("Name", "Value")
#Add default policy counter and no-zone counters to table.
$CylancePage = New-UDPage -Name "Cylance" -Icon unlock -Endpoint {
New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content {
New-UDInput -Title "Enter Computer Name: " -Endpoint {
New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/cylance/computer/$ComputerName"
New-UDChart -Title "Devices by Zone" -Type HorizontalBar -Endpoint {
$DevicesByZone | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDChart -Title "Devices by Policy" -Type HorizontalBar -Endpoint {
$DevicesByPolicy | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDChart -Title "Top 10 Computers with Blocked Events" -Type Doughnut -Endpoint {
$Top10ComputersWithBlockedThreats | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e","#1F1F1F","#777777","#FFFFFF") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDChart -Title "Quarantined vs Unquarantined Events" -Type Doughnut -Endpoint {
$ThreatAction | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -Label Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e","#1F1F1F","#777777","#FFFFFF") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDChart -Title "OS of Cylance Computers" -Type Doughnut -Endpoint {
$CylanceOSList | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e","#1F1F1F","#777777","#FFFFFF") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDChart -Title "Cleared Threats by Type" -Type Doughnut -Endpoint {
$ClearedThreatsByType | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Count -Label Name -BackgroundColor @("#75cac3","#2a6171","#f3d516","#4b989e","#86df4a","#b816f3","#f31651","#4e4b9e","#1F1F1F","#777777","#FFFFFF") -BorderColor 'black' -HoverBackgroundColor '#FF9F0D'
New-UDCounter -Title "Cylance Computers" -Endpoint {
New-UDCounter -Title "Cylance Memory Protection Events (Past 7 Days)" -Endpoint {
$CylancePages = @($CylancePage, $CylanceComputerPage)