Datagrid stop working without any changes

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.9.16

I have datagrid object that get the following object as data

                    rows     = [Array]$Rows | Select-Object $SQLSpalten
                    rowCount = $TotalCount

It Used to work but now it just suck in endless loading…

When I try to retrieve the data manually over windows powershell it works.

$EventData = New-Object PSObject
$EventData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name filter -Value ""

$t = Out-UDSqlDataGrid -Context $EventData -SqlInstance $SQLServerName -Database "PSUDATA" -Table "[dbo].[Delete_Old_Files]"

Figrued it out:

                rows     = **[Array]($Rows | Select-Object $SQLSpalten)**
                rowCount = $TotalCount