Dashboard Material UI Light/Dark Theme

When using the Material UI creator, I’ve captured the settings that I wanted customized for my dashboard. However, when I follow the Universal Dashboard Theme Blog Post about Light/Dark Mode, it doesn’t work inside of my dashboard (for light and dark mode, the theme is recognized and works for everything else).

When using the Material UI Theme Converted to Hashtable, the light and dark button shows up however doesn’t work. Same for the Custom Hashtable. If I use a Simple Theme Hashtable such as below, then the light/dark mode button works. Has anyone gotten this to work before?

$Themes = @{
    light = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#fff"
            background = @{
                default = "#fff"
    dark = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#333"
            background = @{
                default = "#333"

Custom Hashtable specifying light and dark theme code

$Themes = @{
    light = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#fff"
            background = @{
                default = "#fff"
    dark = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#333"
            secondary = @{
                main ='#f50057'
            background = @{
                default = "#333"
    props = @{
        MuiList = @{
            dense = 'true';
        MuiMenuItem = @{
            dense = 'true';
        MuiAppBar = @{
            color = 'default';
        MuiTooltip = @{
            arrow = 'true';

Material UI Theme Code, Converted to a Hashtable

$Themes = "{ palette: {
    light: {
        primary: {
            main: '#fbfbfb',
        secondary: {
            main: '#fff',
    dark: {
        primary: {
            main: '#333',
        background: {
            default: '#333',
  props: {
    MuiAppBar: {
      color: 'default',
    MuiList: {
      dense: true,
    MuiMenuItem: {
      dense: true,
    MuiTable: {
      size: 'small',
} }" |  ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable 
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.0.3