Blueprints / drag and drop items

Hello UD Forum,

I am a proud new user of universal dashboard and so far so good!
I hope someone can point me into right direction.

I work for a retail company with several stores spread over the country. i would like to give the stores the ability to drag and drop their hardware into a blueprint (store map). Think of computers / printers which they can drop on the map so we know their exact physical location.

Similar to the already implemented map layer functionality but in my sitation i need a static png/ bmp image wihtout Zoom and custom icons i can place which can be saved when finished.

Please let me know what you think of it and if my question is all clear!

Kind regards,


Hi @Paul
Welcome to the UD forums!
This smells alot like a custom component, that is yet to be made.
I do however like the idea! Much like Aerohive does it’s wifi-signal calculations.

Post an enhancement request in the Github and see if anyone wants to make this, or take a look at making your own custom components!

Hey did get any follow-up on this? Would love to have this feature in our environment as well!