Auto Completion in New-UDInputField for Type Select

Someone recently informed me that they were using powershell 7 and it didn’t work on powershell 7…I was hoping the readme example would work for anyone and show good implementation of it…I guess not…sorry to hear you are having issues, seems like you are not the only one Autocompletion in InputField Type 'textbox' although everyone seems to get there in the end…as for including it with other udinput it all depends on how you do it…it is possible, but these days I tend to use a combination of the custom components I built to gather the required information from the user…like for example I have got this UDSelector on a sales dashboard with the date-picker component I did and the particle button…this then allows a sales person to select the customers from the drop-down, select a data range, then hit submit…I then reveal a grid with the returned data as well as my custom pivot table component so the sales people can build there own sub-queries on the data returned.