I am moving a dashboard to the latest version and I understand that a few commands have been changed since it was created in the community version. I have found that New-UDInput has been replaced by New-UDForm but I’m still having an issue with the New-UDCollapsible command. Can anyone clue me in on the corollary in V3?
Thanks. I have that figured out but I’m now stuck on how to populate a dropdown list. The old code used New-UDInputField. I believe I can do it with New-UDSelect but having trouble working out the syntax and if I need to use New-UDSelectGroup or New-UDSelectOption (or both) to populate it with $FileSvrs.Name
New-UDInputField -Type 'select' -Name 'Server' -Placeholder 'Select the file server to search' -Values @($FileSvrs.Name)