Attaching vscode debugger to dashboard

Hi, I seem to be unable to attach the vscode debugger to my dashboard.

I’ve put Wait-Debugger in my dashboard code. The execution of the dashboard is paused and I’m able to see the process under the Debugger admin menu. I’m able to successfully enter debug mode from the admin portal.

I’ve added the processId and runspaceId parameters to my launch.json configuration in vscode, taking the numbers presented in the debugger menu.

However attaching to the host process seems never proceed any further than this in vscode. I never get the debug prompt or able to step through.

If I run Enter-PSHostProcess, I’m able to enter the host process and get-runspace confirms the intended runspace is InBreakpoint.

Any ideas?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.4.0

Is anyone here able to attach the debugger successfully?