API call not behaving as expected from within APP / Dashboard

I’m running a simple API call using the code below which requires HaloAPI module;

Connect-HaloAPI -ClientID $Secret:HaloAPI.Username -Tenant 'xxxxxxxx' -URL "https://xxxxxx.haloitsm.com/auth" -ClientSecret $Secret:HaloAPI.GetNetworkCredential().password -Scopes "all" | Out-Null
$Array = @{ticket_id=8547; note="New user created by script"; new_status=30; outcome='API Update'}
New-HaloAction $Array

If I run it as a normal script, it works fine.
If I run it directly in Powershell on the server, it works fine.
If I run it at the very top of a Dashboard, directly under ‘# Put code you’d like to run during dashboard startup here.’ It works fine.

If I try and run it as part of a dashboard flow, it errors. The same dashboard code worked perfectly in Universal v3 as part of a dashboard.

# Put code you'd like to run during dashboard startup here.
# Get menu code from the file below
. .\Dashboards\DashboardComponents\DashboardMenu.ps1

New-UDDashboard -Title 'Test Halo API' -Pages @(
    # Create a page using the menu to the right ->   
    # Reference the page here with Get-UDPage
    New-UDPage -Name 'Test Halo API' -id 'TestHaloAPI' -Content {
		#  Styles
		. .\Dashboards\DashboardComponents\DashboardStyles.ps1
        #  Header
        . .\Dashboards\DashboardComponents\DashboardHeader.ps1

        #  Title
        $DashboardTitle = "Test Halo API"
        $DashboardDescription = "Test Halo API"
        . .\Dashboards\DashboardComponents\DashboardTitle.ps1
            Show-UDModal -Persistent -Header {
                New-UDElement -tag 'Div' -Content {
                    New-UDIcon -Icon "Warning" 
                    New-UDTypography "Warning" -Style $ModalHeaderTypographyStyle
            } -Content {
                New-UDHtml "Test Halo API?"
            } -Footer {
                New-UDButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Check') -Text "Yes" -OnClick {
                    Show-UDModal -Persistent -Header {
                        New-UDElement -tag 'Div' -Content {
                            New-UDIcon -Icon "Spinner" -Spin
                            New-UDTypography "Working ..." -Style $ModalHeaderTypographyStyle
                    } -Content {
                        New-UDHtml "Posting to Halo API."
                    } -Footer {
                    } -HeaderStyle $ModalHeaderWorkingStyle -ContentStyle $ModalContentStyle -FooterStyle $ModalFooterStyle -MaxWidth 'xs'

                    Connect-HaloAPI -ClientID $Secret:HaloAPI.Username -Tenant 'xxxxxxx' -URL "https://xxxxxxxx.haloitsm.com/auth" -ClientSecret $Secret:HaloAPI.GetNetworkCredential().password -Scopes "all" | Out-Null
                    $Array = @{ticket_id=8547; note="New user created by script"; new_status=30; outcome='API Update'}
                    New-HaloAction $Array

                } -Style $ModalGreenButtonStyle -ShowLoading
                New-UDButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'XMark') -Text "No" -OnClick {
                } -Style $ModalRedButtonStyle
            } -HeaderStyle $ModalHeaderWarningStyle -ContentStyle $ModalContentStyle -FooterStyle $ModalFooterStyle -MaxWidth 'xs'
        #  Footer
        . .\Dashboards\DashboardComponents\DashboardFooter.ps1
    } -LoadNavigation $Navigation

Are things handled differently in v4?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.6

Here’s the same command running successfully on the same server directly in Powershell.