Anyway to keep spaces and line breaks in UD?

Alright I’m stumped here as well. I’ve tried all the suggestions here and more and it won’t put the output on a individual line.

Code (Main Dashboard)

$MyDashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Test Form" -Content {
    New-UDInput -Title "Pre-Verify Build" -Id "Form" -Content {
        New-UDInputField -Type 'textbox' -Name 'vc' -Placeholder 'vSphere'
        New-UDInputField -Type 'textbox' -Name 'cluster' -Placeholder 'Cluster'
        New-UDInputField -Type 'textbox' -Name 'template' -Placeholder 'Template'

        } -Endpoint {
            param($vc, $cluster, $template)

            New-UDInputAction -Content @(
                New-UDCard -Title 'Input' -Content {
                    New-UDParagraph -Text "$vc"
                    New-UDParagraph -Text "$cluster"
                    New-UDParagraph -Text "$template"
                } -Links @(
                    New-UDLink -Text 'Resubmit a preverification' -Url '#!'
                New-UDCard -Title “Results” -Endpoint {.\script.ps1 -vc $vc -cl $cluster -template $template} -fontcolor 'black'

$cert = ( Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My\cert )

Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard
Start-UDDashboard -Port 8080 -Dashboard $MyDashboard -Certificate $cert

Powershell File being called:

        echo "Connecting to vSphere $vc`n"

# I have code in here doing stuff

        echo "Cluster input is $cl`n"
        echo "Template input is $template`n"

This will only output “Connecting to vSphere $vc” on the Card and nothing else. I would like it to echo out that output of what the script is doing in real time on the card. I’ve tried all the suggestions here and no luck. Please advise. It has to be possible as it’s doing the first one there already. If I put a comma after the first one it does put them together but again no line breaks. Anything I try won’t put the next echo on a new line. @adam any suggestions? Any help greatly appreciated.