I know version 5 was a significant upgrade. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to upgrade these servers to the latest build. Overall, everything seems to work fine, except for a few buttons on a dashboard that call Invoke-UDScript. Here’s an example:
$uwfRUn = Invoke-PSUScript -Script 'TC\fixUWF.ps1' -uwfMachineName $txtWksNameUWF -userWhoRan $User -uwfSymptom $txtUWFsymptoms -email $userEmail
This keeps throwing the following error:
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'uwfMachineName'.
I also tried rewriting it following the documentation, but no luck:
$parameters = @{
uwfMachineName = $txtWksNameUWF
userWhoRan = $User
uwfSymptom = $txtUWFsymptoms
email = $userEmail
$uwfScript = Get-PSUScript -Name 'TC\fixUWF.ps1'
$uwfRun = Invoke-PSUScript -Script $uwfScript -Parameters $parameters
Despite defining the parameters, the script doesn’t seem to recognize them. Below are the parameters explicitly defined in the script:
param (
When trying to run the script, the expected values in the UI no longer populate correctly. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.2.1