5.1.2 - Agent Log Level

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.1.2

After updating our site and agent versions to 5.1.2, our agents’ log level seems to have been decreased to DBG - our log files have gone from a couple megabytes per day to over a gigabyte. Is there a way to increase the log level back to INF?

Dear parzog,

Thank you very much for contacting Ironman Software!

My name is Ruben Tapia, a support engineer in charge of request #11901. While we review the details provided, please remember that you can add additional information by replying to this email.

To start over kindly share with me the following additional information:

  • Have you made any changes to the default logging configuration after updating to 5.1.2?
  • Are all agents impacted, or only specific ones?
  • Could you confirm if this behavior persists after restarting the agent service or server?
  • Please provide a screenshot or snippet of the agent’s log file showcasing the current log level entries.
  • PSU Logs and configuration details, if applicable.


To address the log level being set to DBG:

  1. Check the Logging Configuration: Review the appsettings.json or any custom configuration file you use for the agent. Ensure the log level is set to Information instead of Debug.
  • Example configuration in appsettings.json:
"Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Information",
        "Microsoft": "Information",
        "System": "Information"
  1. Agent Restart: If the log level was changed but not applied, restart the relevant agent services for the new configuration to take effect.

We appreciate your patience and are here to help resolve this issue.

Best regards,

I can reproduce this. @RubenT91, can you open an issue in the tracker.

I didn’t get a chance to try your log level work around, but the appsettings.json is for the sever. The agent uses agent.json. That said, the logging switches you have provided are standard for Kestrel so I do wonder if they would work as workaround.

Thanks, Adam and Ruben!

@RubenT91 can you send me an email through the support thread? I’d rather not post our configuration files or logs to the forums, and it seems like that’s where it came from.

Is there a solution to this yet? Looking at our logs and the growth is a bit startling. I tried the logging settings from above and they didn’t change anything…

This was resolved in 5.2

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