We have just installed PSU v2.2.1 and enabled windows authenticataon in the appsettings file.
We have disabled the roles Operator, Reader and Execute by setting $false in the roles.ps1 and the Administrator role is based on an AD group membership (using $User.HasClaim(‘x’,SID) function). The Administrator role and a custom role (also based on AD group) has access to a new default dashboard on url /.
When an AD user with no membership of any group access the site, they are denied access to the dashboard but they still have access to the /admin site with read only access for automation scripts/jobs and platform published folder/rate limites.
Is this by design or a bug?
Are there any way we can redirect them to an access denied page or something like that?
We don’t want any users to access the /admin portion of the system.
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.2.1