Where to find previous default theme in PSU

is previous default theme still available in PSU 3.7.0 if want to use instaed of ant and where its located?

Yes. You can do the following:

New-UDDashboard -Content {} -Theme (Get-UDTheme -Name 'MaterialDesign')

Thank you adam

i have a $Theme Var with Copr Colors.
how do i merge these two Themes?

If you have a custom theme, it’s using Material Design as a base so it should continue to work.

If you want to modify the colors of the Ant Design theme, you can find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal\Modules\Universal\UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.psm1

Here is the current version for reference.

$AntDesign = @{
    light = @{
        palette     = @{
            text       = @{
                disabled = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)"
            primary    = @{
                light = '#69696a'
                main  = '#1890ff'
                dark  = '#1e1e1f'
            secondary  = @{
                light = '#1890ff'
                main  = '#1890ff'
                dark  = '#e62958'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc071'
                dark = '#ffb25e'
            error      = @{
                xLight = '#ffebee'
                main   = '#f44336'
                dark   = '#d32f2f'
            success    = @{
                xLight = '#e8f5e9'
                main   = '#4caf50'
                dark   = '#388e3c'
            background = @{
                default = "#f0f2f5"
        typography  = @{
            fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans',sans-serif,'Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Noto Color Emoji'"
            body1      = @{
                fontSize = 14
            h6         = @{
                fontSize   = 14
                fontWeight = 400
        globalStyle = "
            ::-webkit-scrollbar {
                width: 10px;
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
                background: #f1f1f1; 
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
                background: 'transparent'; 
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
                background: #888; 
        overrides   = @{
            MuiAlert          = @{
                root            = @{
                    borderRadius = '2px'
                    padding      = '8px 15px'
                    marginBottom = '16px'
                standardError   = @{
                    border = '1px #ffccc7 solid'
                standardInfo    = @{
                    border = '1px #91d5ff solid'
                standardSuccess = @{
                    border = '1px #b7eb8f solid'
                standardWarning = @{
                    border = '1px #ffe58f solid'

            MuiAppBar         = @{
                colorPrimary = @{
                    color           = '#000'
                    backgroundColor = '#fff'
            MuiButton         = @{
                root      = @{
                    borderRadius  = 0
                    boxShadow     = 'none'
                    textTransform = 'none'
                    '&:hover'     = @{
                        backgroundColor = '#40a9ff'
                        borderColor     = '#40a9ff'
                        color           = '#fff'
                        boxShadow       = 'none'
                contained = @{
                    color           = "#fff"
                    lineHeight      = 1.5715
                    fontWeight      = 400
                    backgroundColor = "#1890ff"
                    borderColor     = "#1890ff"
                    transition      = "all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1)"
            MuiCheckbox       = @{
                root = @{
                    color      = 'rgb(24, 144, 255)'
                    fontWeight = 100
                    fontSize   = '1.1rem'
            MuiCollapse       = @{
                wrapperInner = @{
                    backgroundColor = "rgb(250, 250, 250)"
            MuiDrawer         = @{
                paper                 = @{
                    border = 'none'
                paperAnchorDockedLeft = @{
                    borderRight = $null
            MuiExpansionPanel = @{
                rounded = @{
                    "&:first-child" = @{
                        borderTopLeftRadius  = 0
                        borderTopRightRadius = 0
                    "&:last-child"  = @{
                        borderBottomLeftRadius  = 0
                        borderBottomRightRadius = 0
            MuiIconButton     = @{
                root = @{
                    borderRadius = 0
                    fontSize     = 14
                    padding      = "4px 12px"
            MuiInput          = @{
                root      = @{
                    lineHeight = 1.5715
                    "&:after"  = @{
                        border = '0px !important'
                underline = @{
                    "&:before" = @{
                        borderBottom = $null
                    "&:after"  = @{
                        borderBottom = $null
                    "&:hover"  = @{
                        "&:before" = @{
                            borderBottom = "0 !important"
            MuiInputBase      = @{
                input = @{
                    border       = '1px solid #d9d9d9'
                    borderRadius = '2px'
                    padding      = '4px 11px'
                    color        = "rgba(0,0,0,.85)"
                    lineHeight   = 1.5715
                    fontSize     = 14
                    "&:hover"    = @{
                        borderColor = "#40a9ff"
                    "&:focus"    = @{
                        borderColor = '#40a9ff'
                        boxShadow   = "0 0 0 2px rgb(24 144 255 / 20%)"
            MuiInputLabel     = @{
                root     = @{
                    paddingLeft = '11px'
                outlined = @{
                    paddingLeft = '0px'
                    transform   = 'translate(0, -20px) scale(0.75)'

            MuiListItem       = @{
                root   = @{
                    transition       = "opacity .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1),width .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1),color .3s"
                    cursor           = 'pointer'
                    "&:hover"        = @{
                        color = '#1890ff !important'
                    "&.Mui-selected" = @{
                        backgroundColor = '#e6f7ff'
                        color           = '#1890ff'
                        borderRight     = '2px solid #1890ff'
                button = @{
                    "&:hover" = @{
                        color           = '#1890ff'
                        backgroundColor = "#fff"
            MuiListItemIcon   = @{
                root = @{
                    minWidth  = '25px'
                    "&:hover" = @{
                        color = '#1890ff'
            MuiListItemText   = @{
                multiline = @{
                    marginTop    = 0
                    marginBottom = 0

            MuiOutlinedInput  = @{
                root      = @{
                    borderRadius = 0
                input     = @{
                    paddingTop    = '4px'
                    paddingBottom = '4px'
                    border        = '0px'
                "&:focus" = @{
                    border = '0px'
            MuiPaper          = @{
                root       = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
                rounded    = @{
                    borderRadius = 0
                elevation1 = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
                elevation4 = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
            MuiSvgIcon        = @{
                colorPrimary = @{
                    color = "#000"
            MuiSwitch         = @{
                root       = @{
                    height = "40px"
                thumb      = @{
                    width  = "12px"
                    height = "12px"
                track      = @{
                    borderRadius = "9px"
                switchBase = @{
                    top                              = "2px"
                    left                             = "2px"
                    padding                          = '12px'
                    '&.Mui-checked'                  = @{
                        transform = 'translateX(18px)'
                    '&.Mui-checked+.MuiSwitch-track' = @{
                        backgroundColor = '#177ddc'
                        opacity         = '1'
            MuiTab            = @{
                root      = @{
                    minHeight     = 0
                    textTransform = 'none'
                labelIcon = @{
                    minHeight = 0
    dark  = @{
        palette     = @{
            text       = @{
                primary   = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'
                disabled  = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)"
                secondary = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)"
            primary    = @{
                main = 'rgb(31, 31, 31)'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc071'
                dark = '#ffb25e'
            error      = @{
                xLight = '#ffebee'
                main   = '#f44336'
                dark   = '#d32f2f'
            success    = @{
                xLight = '#e8f5e9'
                main   = '#4caf50'
                dark   = '#388e3c'
            background = @{
                default = "#000"
        typography  = @{
            fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans',sans-serif,'Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Noto Color Emoji'"
            body1      = @{
                fontSize = 14
            h6         = @{
                fontSize   = 14
                fontWeight = 400
        globalStyle = "
            ::-webkit-scrollbar {
                width: 10px;
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
                background: rgb(31, 31, 31); 
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
                background: 'transparent'; 
            ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
                background: #888; 
        overrides   = @{
            MuiAccordionSummary = @{
                expandIconWrapper = @{
                    color = "#fff"
            MuiAlert            = @{
                root            = @{
                    color        = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'
                    borderRadius = '2px'
                    padding      = '8px 15px'
                    marginBottom = '16px'
                standardError   = @{
                    border          = '1px solid #58181c'
                    backgroundColor = '#2a1215'
                standardInfo    = @{
                    border          = '1px solid #153450'
                    backgroundColor = '#111b26'
                standardSuccess = @{
                    border          = '1px solid #274916'
                    backgroundColor = '#162312'
                standardWarning = @{
                    border          = '1px #594214 solid'
                    backgroundColor = '#2b2111'

            MuiButton           = @{
                root      = @{
                    color            = "#fff"
                    '&.Mui-disabled' = @{
                        color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.50);'
                contained = @{
                    color           = "#fff"
                    lineHeight      = 1.5715
                    fontWeight      = 400
                    backgroundColor = "#1890ff"
                    borderColor     = "#1890ff"
                    borderRadius    = 0
                    boxShadow       = $null
                    transition      = "all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1)"
                    textTransform   = 'none'
                    '&:hover'       = @{
                        backgroundColor = '#40a9ff'
                        borderColor     = '#40a9ff'
                        color           = '#fff'
                        boxShadow       = $null
            MuiCheckbox         = @{
                root = @{
                    color      = 'rgb(24, 144, 255)'
                    fontWeight = 100
                svg  = @{
                    fontSize = '1.1rem !important'
            MuiChip             = @{
                root = @{
                    color        = '#3c9ae8'
                    borderColor  = '#153956'
                    background   = '#111d2c'
                    borderRadius = '2px'
            MuiCollapse         = @{
                wrapperInner = @{
                    backgroundColor = "rgb(20,20,20)"
            MuiDataGrid         = @{
                paper = @{
                    backgroundColor = "rgb(31, 31, 31)"
            MuiDrawer           = @{
                paper                 = @{
                    color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);"
                paperAnchorDockedLeft = @{
                    borderRight = 'none'
            MuiExpansionPanel   = @{
                rounded = @{
                    "&:first-child" = @{
                        borderTopLeftRadius  = 0
                        borderTopRightRadius = 0
                    "&:last-child"  = @{
                        borderBottomLeftRadius  = 0
                        borderBottomRightRadius = 0
            MuiLink             = @{
                root = @{
                    color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'
            MuiIconButton       = @{
                root = @{
                    borderRadius     = 0
                    fontSize         = 14
                    padding          = "4px 12px"
                    color            = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'
                    '&.Mui-disabled' = @{
                        color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'
            MuiInput            = @{
                root      = @{
                    border     = '1px solid #d9d9d9'
                    lineHeight = 1.5715
                    "&:after"  = @{
                        border = '0px !important'
                underline = @{
                    "&::before" = @{
                        borderBottom = "0px"
                    "&::after"  = @{
                        borderBottom = "0px"
                    "&:hover"   = @{
                        "&:before" = @{
                            borderBottom = "0 !important"
                input     = @{
                    border = '0px'
            MuiInputAdornment   = @{
                root = @{
                    marginLeft = '10px'
                    color      = '#d9d9d9'
            MuiInputBase        = @{
                input = @{
                    border       = '1px solid #d9d9d9'
                    borderRadius = '2px'
                    padding      = '4px 11px'
                    color        = "#fff"
                    lineHeight   = 1.5715
                    fontSize     = 14
                    "&:hover"    = @{
                        borderColor = "#40a9ff"
                    "&:focus"    = @{
                        borderColor = '#40a9ff'
                        boxShadow   = "0 0 0 2px rgb(24 144 255 / 20%)"
            MuiInputLabel       = @{
                root     = @{
                    color            = "#fff"
                    paddingLeft      = '11px'
                    '&.Mui-disabled' = @{
                        color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)'
                focused  = @{
                    color = "#fff"
                shrink   = @{
                    color = "#fff"
                outlined = @{
                    paddingLeft = '0px'
                    transform   = 'translate(0, -20px) scale(0.75)'
            MuiListItem         = @{
                root = @{
                    cursor           = 'pointer'
                    "&.Mui-selected" = @{
                        backgroundColor = '#177ddc'
                        color           = '#fff'

            MuiListItemIcon     = @{
                root = @{
                    minWidth  = '25px'
                    color     = "#fff"
                    "&:hover" = @{
                        color = '#fff'
            MuiListItemText     = @{
                secondary = @{
                    #color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)"
                multiline = @{
                    marginTop    = 0
                    marginBottom = 0

            MuiOutlinedInput    = @{
                root      = @{
                    borderRadius = 0
                    border       = '1px solid #d9d9d9'
                input     = @{
                    paddingTop    = '4px'
                    paddingBottom = '4px'
                    border        = '0px'
                "&:focus" = @{
                    border = '0px'
            MuiPaper            = @{
                root       = @{
                    color           = '#fff'
                    backgroundColor = 'rgb(31, 31, 31)'
                    boxShadow       = 'none'
                rounded    = @{
                    borderRadius = 0
                elevation1 = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
                elevation4 = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
            MuiRadio            = @{
                root = @{
                    '&.Mui-checked' = @{
                        color = '#177ddc'
            MuiPickersDay       = @{
                root = @{
                    backgroundColor = 'rgb(31, 31, 31)'
            MuiSelect           = @{
                iconStandard = @{
                    color = "#fff"
            MuiSlider           = @{
                root = @{
                    color = "#40a9ff"
            MuiStepIcon         = @{
                root = @{
                    '&.Mui-active' = @{
                        color = "#1890ff"
            MuiSwitch           = @{
                root       = @{
                    height = "40px"
                thumb      = @{
                    width  = "12px !important"
                    height = "12px !important"
                track      = @{
                    opacity         = "1 !important";
                    backgroundColor = '#177ddc !important'
                    borderRadius    = "9px !important"
                    height          = '16px'
                switchBase = @{
                    top             = "2px  !important"
                    left            = "2px  !important"
                    padding         = '12px  !important'
                    '&.Mui-checked' = @{
                        transform = 'translateX(18px)  !important'
            MuiRating           = @{
                icon = @{
                    color = "#faaf00"
            MuiSvgIcon          = @{
                colorPrimary = @{
                    color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65)"
            MuiTab              = @{
                root      = @{
                    minHeight        = 0
                    textTransform    = 'none'
                    color            = '#fff'
                    '&.Mui-selected' = @{
                        "color " = "#177ddc"
                labelIcon = @{
                    minHeight = 0
