Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.1.2
I've recently installed PSU and it's up and running on my Dev workstation. It all seems to work properly.
I have also installed the VSCode PSU extension, but when it loads I get an error that Import-Module:
`The specified module 'c:\Users[*username*]\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershell-universal-2.1.1\out\Universal.VSCode.psm1' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.`
I do not see this module anywhere on my machine. What am I missing?
Thanks. - Jerry
I just installed PSU 2.2.1 last Thursday (8/26/2021) and I am getting the same error. Haven’t figured out why yet. Here is what’s in my console:
PS C:\Users\[*username*]> Import-Module (Join-Path 'c:\Users\[*username*]\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershell-universal-2.1.1\out' 'Universal.VSCode.psm1')
Import-Module: The specified module 'c:\Users\[*username*]\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershell-universal-2.1.1\out\Universal.VSCode.psm1' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
Looking in the extensions\ironmansoftware.powershell-universal-2.1.1\out I see a lot of .js files but no VSCode.psm1 file.
This has been resolved and will be available in the 2.3.0 version that will be out on September 14th. The module is used to verify module versions for Universal and UniversalDashboard. It shouldn’t prevent other functionality of the extension from working.
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