Using Variables with OAuth?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.7.11

Is it possible to use variables or secrets with the OAuth configuration? I’m trying to use a git branch for development and a different git branch for production, and our OAuth configuration settings are different between the two.


Yes! Just figured it out on my system :smiley:

Add a secret string variable on the server. Setup the OpenID (or OAuth should work the same way) in authentication.ps1:

$Parameters = @{
  Type = "OpenIDConnect"
  CallbackPath = "/auth/signin-oidc"
  ClientId = "<application guid here>"
  Authority = "<tenant ID here>"
  ClientSecret = $Secret:OpenIDSecret # Or whatever you called your variable

Set-PSUAuthenticationMethod @Parameters

I had troubles in the past getting that to work. I completely wiped my database and restarted from scratch with the latest version, above code now works for me.

Good Luck!

Using secrets worked for me! Thank you!

Using this (but without secrets) gives me either an http error 500 or http error 431 after I sign in.

$Parameters = @{
    Type = "OpenIDConnect"
    CallbackPath = "/auth/signin-oidc"
    ClientId = "someid"
    Authority = ""
    ClientSecret = "somesecretID" 
Set-PSUAuthenticationMethod @Parameters 

This was my setting in appsettings

"Authentication" : {
    "OIDC": {
      "Enabled": "false",
      "CallbackPath": "/auth/signin-oidc",
      "ClientID": "Someid",
      "ClientSecret": "somesecretid",
      "Resource": "",
      "Authority": "",
      "ResponseType": "id_token token",
      "SaveTokens": "true",
      "UseTokenLifetime": true

Any ideas as to why it works through Appsettings but not authentication.ps1?

Edit. just needed to include the left out bits

$Parameters = @{
    Type = "OpenIDConnect"
    CallbackPath = "/auth/signin-oidc"
    ClientId = "someid"
    Authority = ""
    ClientSecret = "somesecretID" 
   resource = ""
    ResponseType = "id_token token"
    Savetokens = $true
    usetokenlifetime = $true