Hi everyone,
For some reason, when I created this new page to display a table with data collected from API response, it does not display anything. I’m using same code I have in the main page. The only thing different are variable naming, Id’s and API endpoint. Everything else is the same. Why it works in one page and not the other?
I can run this in terminal with no issues
Data is collected, processed, stored in PS datatable and displayed with UDTable. It should display 6 rows and 1 column for testing.
Table data for netinfracloud was null
New-UDDynamic -Id 'cloudpapercontent' -Content {
$Global:cloudapidata = Invoke-WebRequest "API_ENDPOINT_HERE" -SkipCertificateCheck
New-UDPaper -Elevation 0 -Content {
New-UDTypography -Text "Last Refresh: $((Get-Date).DateTime)" -Variant body1
New-UDPaper -Elevation 1 -Content {
# Code from below line all the way down to $CloudDataGrid works with no issues in terminal
$clouddt = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$cloudsensors = $Global:cloudapidata.sensors | Where {$_.group -eq "Network Infrastructure"}
foreach ($cloudsensorrow in $cloudsensors) {
if (!($clouddt.Columns.Contains($cloudsensorrow.sensor))) {
foreach ($cloudsensor in $cloudsensors) {
$clouddr = $clouddt.NewRow()
$clouddr["Device"] = $cloudsensor.device
$clouddevices = $Global:cloudapidata.sensors | Where {$_.group -eq "Network Infrastructure" -and $_.device -eq $cloudsensor.device}
if (!($clouddt.Select("Device = '" + $cloudsensor.device + "'"))) {
foreach ($clouddevice in $clouddevices) {
if($clouddevice.status -eq "Up")
$url = "http://localhost:5000/img/up.png"
if($clouddevice.status -eq "Down")
$url = "http://localhost:5000/img/down.png"
if($clouddevice.status -eq "Warning")
$url = 'http://localhost:5000/img/warning.png'
if($clouddevice.status -eq "Paused (paused)")
$url = "http://localhost:5000/img/pause.png"
if($clouddevice.status -eq "Unusual")
$url = "http://localhost:5000/img/unusual.png"
switch ($clouddevice.sensor)
$clouddr["Ping"] = $url
$clouddr["DNS"] = $url
$clouddr["HTTP"] = $url
"RDP (Remote Desktop)"
$clouddr["RDP (Remote Desktop)"] = $url
# Fill empty cells with N/A png link
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $clouddt.Rows.Count; $i++)
if ($clouddt.Rows[$i].Ping.ToString() -eq "")
$clouddt.Rows[$i].Ping = "http://localhost:5000/img/na.png"
if ($clouddt.Rows[$i].DNS.ToString() -eq "")
$clouddt.Rows[$i].DNS = "http://localhost:5000/img/na.png"
if ($clouddt.Rows[$i].HTTP.ToString() -eq "")
$clouddt.Rows[$i].HTTP = "http://localhost:5000/img/na.png"
if ($clouddt.Rows[$i].'RDP (Remote Desktop)'.ToString() -eq "")
$clouddt.Rows[$i].'RDP (Remote Desktop)' = "http://localhost:5000/img/na.png"
# Here I'm only selecting Device column for testing UDTable
$CloudDataGrid = $clouddt | Select-Object Device
$CloudGridColumns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property Device
New-UDTable -Id 'netinfracloud' -Data $CloudDataGrid -Columns $CloudGridColumns -Title 'Services' -ShowSearch -ShowPagination -PageSizeOption @(5,10,20)
} -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 30
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.8
Framework: Latest
Thanks for all of your help and advice