UDInput select drop down with multi-select?

Thanks for the appreciation @mylabonline…damn I need to get using the Admin terminal, could of saved me a lot of time on getting the single selection…well it’s not pretty by any means…but it works

I have posted a working solution I am using to determine if it it a single select or multi select. I hope this answers this question as I needed to figure this out myself.

Basically do something like:-

        $single = (Get-UDElement -id "stuff").Attributes.selectedOption
                    $selection = $single | Select-Object Root | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2 | ConvertFrom-Json
                    $finalvalue = $selection | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Root
                    $Session:value2 = $finalvalue | Select-Object -First 1
                    Show-UDToast -Message "You Selected $Session:value2"
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