Trouble with UDDynamic not updating

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.15

I am making a page using New-UDForm that will let our helpdesk move user accounts between OU’s. As part of this I have it display text showing the current location and where they want to move it to before starting the move. I can’t seem to get it to update the text when clicking the “Get User” button

Here is where I get the username and sync the UDElement for the UDDynamic

            New-UDColumn -Id "col_Input" -SmallSize 6 -LargeSize 6 -Content {
                New-UDTextbox -id 'tb_OldUsername' -Label "Username to change" 
                New-Udhtml -markup "<br>"
                New-UDButton -Id "btn_GetUser" -Text "Get User" -OnClick {
                    $samaccountname =  (Get-UDElement -Id 'tb_OldUsername').value
                    $session:user = get-aduser -filter {samaccountname -eq $samaccountname} -properties homedirectory
                    if ($session:user){
                        Set-UDElement -id "dd_type" -Properties @{disabled = $false}
                        $Session:CurrentLocation = ($session:user | select-object -ExpandProperty distinguishedname).split(",",2)[1]
                        Sync-UDElement -id 'Initial_User'
                       Set-UDElement -id "dd_type" -Properties @{disabled = $true}
           ##### More stuff here#########

And here is the UDDynamic

            New-UDColumn -SmallSize 6 -LargeSize 6 -Id "col_DataCheck" -Content {
                New-UDDynamic -id 'Initial_User' -Content {
                    New-UDTypography -id "txt_oldUsername" -text "Moving User: $($"
                    new-udhtml -markup "<br>"
                    New-UDTypography -id "txt_oldHomedir" -text "Current Home Directory: $($session:user.HomeDirectory)"
                    new-udhtml -markup "<br>"
                    New-UDTypography -id "txt_oldlocation" -text "Current Location: $($Session:CurrentLocation)"

The text shows on page load, but when clicking the button it will not refresh with the variable information. I’ve tried with and without $session: for each variable and none of them update.

I’ve tested showing the data using a Modal on button press and it does get generated, it just won’t sync to the typography.

I can reproduce this but you might be able to work around it by dropping the ID on your typography. I’m not sure if that’s important to your implementation.

New-UDButton -Id "btn_GetUser" -Text "Get User" -OnClick {
            $Session:CurrentLocation = Get-Date
            Sync-UDElement -id 'Initial_User'

New-UDDynamic -id 'Initial_User' -Content {
          New-UDTypography  -text "Current Location: $($Session:CurrentLocation)"

The ID is not important. I removed that and everything is working as expected.

Thank you!