Is there a good way to stop a UDDynamic or UDChartJSMonitor? (Or I guess any other auto-refreshing component?
An example of what I’m working on is below… Enter in a Computer Name you can ping and click “Monitoring” and enter in the minutes to ping the device…
Essentially, if I am pinging a computer for 1 minute, I want the UDDynamic to run 60~ times (probably closer to 58-59 depending on how long it takes to run the scriptblock) and then stop. I then want the monitor to preserve the current state, but stop refreshing.
$Pages = @()
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Home' -Url '/Test/' -Content {
New-UDForm -Children {
New-UDTextbox -id 'txtComputerName' -Label "ComputerName"
} -OnSubmit {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Test/$($EventData.txtComputerName)"
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Ping Monitor' -Url '/Test/:Computername' -Content {
If (-not $Session:Data) {
$Session:Data = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
Else {
Foreach ($Key in ($Session:Data.keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$Computername" }) ) {
New-UDDynamic -Content {
If (-not $PingObj) {
$PingObj = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$Session:Data.Add("Ping$ComputerName", ($PingObj.Send("$ComputerName", 1000) | select Address, RoundTripTime, Status))
If (($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"].Status).ToString() -eq "Success") {
New-UDGrid -Item -Content {
New-UDList -SubHeader "Network Info" -Content {
New-UDButton -Text "Monitoring" -OnClick {
Show-UDModal -FullScreen -Content {
If ($Session:Data["PingMonitor$ComputerName"]) {
$Session:Data.Add("PingMonitor$ComputerName", (New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]))
New-UDForm -Children {
New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtPingMon' -Label 'Minutes to Monitor' -Mask '0[0]'
} -OnValidate {
If ($EventData.txtPingMon -eq '') {
New-UDFormValidationResult -ValidationError "Enter in Minutes to monitor connection."
else {
New-UDFormValidationResult -Valid
} -OnSubmit {
$End = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($EventData.txtPingMon)
New-UDDynamic -id "dynPingMonitor$ComputerName" -Content {
If ((Get-Date) -le $ArgumentList[0]) {
$Ping = $PingObj.Send("$ComputerName", 1000) | select Address, RoundTripTime, Status, @{Name = 'Computer' ; Expression = { $ComputerName } }, @{Name = 'TimeStamp' ; Expression = { Get-Date } }
Sync-UDElement -Id 'tblPingMonitor'
else {
Set-UDElement -Id 'crtPingMonitor' -Properties @{ AutoRefresh = $false }
Remove-UDElement -id "dynPingMonitor$ComputerName"
} -ArgumentList $End -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 1
New-UDChartJSMonitor -Type line -DataPointHistory 60 -id 'crtPingMonitor' -LoadData {
($Session:Data["PingMonitor$ComputerName"] | Sort-Object TimeStamp -Descending | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty RoundTripTime) | Out-UDChartJSMonitorData
} -Labels "Ping" -ChartBackgroundColor "#297741" -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1
$PingColumns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property Address -Title 'IP'
New-UDTableColumn -Property RoundTripTime -Title 'Ping'
New-UDTableColumn -Property Status -Title 'Status'
New-UDTableColumn -Property 'Computer'
New-UDTableColumn -Property Timestamp -Render {
New-UDDateTime -InputObject $EventData.Timestamp -Format 'HH:mm:ss'
New-UDTable -id 'tblPingMonitor' -Title "Ping Monitor" -columns $PingColumns -LoadData {
$PingMon = $Session:Data["PingMonitor$ComputerName"]
$PingMon | Sort-Object TimeStamp -Descending | Out-UDTableData -TotalCount $PingMon.count -Properties $Eventdata.Properties -Page $EventData.Page
} -Persistent -Footer {
New-UDButton -text "Close" -OnClick {
New-UDListItem -Label 'IP' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Heartbeat -color Green -Size 1x) -SubTitle "$(($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"] ).Address.IPAddressToString)"
New-UDListItem -Label 'Ping' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Clock -color Green -Size 1x) -SubTitle "$(($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"] ).RoundTripTime)ms"
ElseIf (($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"].Status).ToString() -eq "TimedOut") {
New-UDGrid -Item -Content {
New-UDList -SubHeader "Network Info" -Content {
New-UDListItem -Label 'IP' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Heartbeat -color Red -Size 1x) -SubTitle "$(($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"]).Address.IPAddressToString)"
New-UDListItem -Label 'Ping' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Clock -color Red -Size 1x) -SubTitle "$(($Session:Data["Ping$ComputerName"]).RoundTripTime)ms"
Else {
New-UDGrid -Item -Content {
New-UDList -SubHeader "Network Info" -Content {
New-UDListItem -Label 'Host not found' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon HeartBroken -color Red -Size lg)
New-UDDashboard -Title 'Pages' -Pages $Pages
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.2.8