Stepper component


I have some questions about the stepper component :

  • Is it possible to clear the context variable or to modify it in the onvalidate endpoint ?
  • How could I change the text in the back / next buttons ?
  • Is it possible to jump to another step directly, for exemple from step 1 to step 5 by pressing the next button (or maybe another button) ?
  • It it possible to disable the back button at a later step than 1 ?

Thank you by advance. :wink:

Most of these aren’t supported at this time and I’ve opened some issues for them.

As for the jumping steps, you should be able to click on the step numbers. If you’re looking for something a bit different we can open an issue for that too.

Thank you.

I use the stepper to propose several forms to modify the ad account of a user.
I would like to mutualize the first step that is each time to ask the id of the user account to modify, but each form doesn’t need the same amount of steps after that.
For example, It would be nice to be able to force the stepper to move to the last step instead of the next step if needed when we click on the next button.

Ah, ok. That makes sense. Let me get that add as well.